By George! I Think I've Got It!
Ha! I think I figured out how to have my list in my sidebar without too much HTML trouble. I retyped my list into the template and kept it as simple as possible, no colors, no italics, nothing fancy. The fonts, colors, sizes etc, came from the template I chose, so that's all done for me.
I copied and pasted the "Previous" HTML and changed the word "Previous" to "My 101 Tasks" so that it looks like all the others.
(Note: Change all the brackets [] into arrows <>in the following. Blogger wants to read and apply the HTML, so I'm tying to trick Blogger into not reading it.)
Then, I just chose [h5](for heading 5) for my category headings.
They look like this: remember the brackets should be arrows
[h5]Food and Drinks[/h5]
This is what is looks like on the blog:
Food and Drinks
Then I put a [br](for break, as in line break) at the end of all the other lines. Without the [br] all the text gets bunched up together.
It looks like this:
74 Try 10 different coffees [br]
You don't need a [br] at the beginning. You also don't need a / slash in it even though its at the end.
Now when I complete a task on the list, all I have to do is put a [s]at the beginning of the line, and a [/s]at the end of the line (the "s" is for strike-through) and I'm done.
It looks like this:
[s]75 Make home-made pizza[/s]
Those little s's at the beginning and end will put a line through the tasks I've completed.
It looks like this on the blog:
Not so bad.
I'm still going to keep my other list active for a while to make sure this is going to work and to make sure everyone can see it.
So, if you can see my list in the sidebar, please let me know.
Cool! It looks good. Hope it works for ya! I may have to try something different too when I find time to work on it.
Thanks for letting me know that you can see it.
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