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Saturday, April 29, 2006

New Script, New Pressures.

May 1st is fast approaching and it's time to start on the second script for the 101 project. This time I decided to put a little extra pressure on myself. Did I just say that? Christ! What is wrong with me?

Anyway, I've seen these little progress bars in the sidebars of some blogs that I've visited and thought they were cool so I did a Google search and found this site that showed me how to make them. (Thank you... I think) So, now you can track the progress of my latest screenwriting adventure.

Nothing like the feeling of being watched to keep you moving in a forward motion. I can't believe I'm doing this to myself. As if trying to write eight screenplays in 1001 days isn't enough, now I invite people to track my progress??? Can you say, "MASOCHIST!"?


That will be cool to see how your progress goes on this task. You are pressuring yourself, aren't you.

I like you new photo also with the black and white and "blue" eye.

by Blogger Unknown, at Sat Apr 29, 10:03:00 AM

It will be a fun way for me to track my own progress, but I'm sure I'll feel some pressure from the visiting "eyes". Oh well, it may be just what I need.

I'm working on another photo also, one with clouds in the eye for the "dreamer" in me, but I haven't got it to look right yet. I liked this one though, it was fun to play with.

by Blogger Jeri, at Sat Apr 29, 11:17:00 AM

To my knowledge (and I definitely could be wrong) David was the one who brought these things to the Scribosphere. Do a search on his blog here:

by Blogger Fun Joel, at Sat Apr 29, 10:44:00 PM

Thanks, Fun Joel. I had seen these progress bars on some craft sites, but David was the first writer I noticed that had one. There's a good possiblity that I followed a link on your site to get to his page, so I thank you both... I think.

I'm hoping it will be a way to keep myself in check. A stagnating progress bar will be a dead giveaway that I don't have my butt in the chair.

by Blogger Jeri, at Sun Apr 30, 07:46:00 AM

Now, Now! You seem to think that we will be critical of you if we see you "Slacking off".

We would "Never" do that! No! Really! Tee Hee!

I also like the blue eye!

I need to find out from you how to do the peekaboo comment thing so that I can put it on my blog. Maybe you can come down with Dena and Niki and learn me up some on that type of stuff.


by Blogger Neal and Barbara Weckworth, at Sun Apr 30, 08:04:00 AM

Sounds good, Neal. I'll bring my Blogger notebook with me.

by Blogger Jeri, at Mon May 01, 06:33:00 AM

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