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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hmm, Not Working as Planned

I cut out TV for the month of May hoping for a few more hours of productivity each day. NOPE! I'm too tired to be creative so writing is out. I fall asleep if I try to read after 8pm, so catching up on a few screenplays is out. I thought it would be a good time to really hit my drawing tasks, but that's not happening either. After dinner, I loaf around for a while, get bored and go to bed. Years and years of vegging out after 8pm has created a biological monster. What is it they say? You can lead a body away from the TV, but you can't make it think. Or something like that. Dang, old habits die hard!


They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. You still have a lot of May left to make it work for you. We are really creatures of habit(s). I like your new take on an old saying! Good luck. Have you flown your kite yet?

by Blogger Unknown, at Thu May 11, 05:32:00 PM

Now if I can just get in the habit of doing somethng other than getting bored and going to bed.

Haven't flown the kite yet. We tried on Sunday but there wasn't enough wind. It's kindof a heavy kite so the wind needs to be blowing pretty good. But we did discovered that there isn't much string on those spools that came with the kite. We need to get more if we really want to get the thing up there. Haven't chacked the weather, but maybe this weekend.

by Blogger Jeri, at Fri May 12, 06:17:00 AM

Hi Jeri, Just wanting to pick your brains again. Please paste this link in your browser. when you have done so you will understand my question

You see the little navigation arrows at the top which allows you move between the previous and next post? Yep, that one. Any idea how to do this? I think it's really cool but can't seem to find any info on how to do it. Leave a comment on my blog if you come up with any thing.


by Blogger Pilgrimage to Self, at Mon May 22, 08:10:00 AM

Hi Pilgrim. (Can I call you Pilgrim?) I think you have the wrong idea about me. I just started blogging in Jan 06, so I don't know much about html or blogger templates, but I'm getting pretty good at finding people who do. : )

The following site:

will give you the code you're looking for.

A couple of things: 1) this won't show up when you are looking at your home page. It only shows up when you click on one of you previous post links in your sidebar. 2) It doesn't link you to the "next" post, only "Home" or "Previous". (But Life's Snapshots navigation is the same way.) I couldn't find one that had {{Previous Home Next}} so I hope this is what you were looking for.

Thanks for putting the bug in my ear. This is pretty cool. I think I'll add it to my blog also. : )

Let me know how it works for you.

by Blogger Jeri, at Mon May 22, 11:45:00 AM

Thanks, I'll check it out and see how it works. And yes, I don't mind being called Pilgrim. conjours up visions of trekking across the Sahara though ;-)

by Blogger Pilgrimage to Self, at Mon May 22, 02:04:00 PM

It's interesting how different cultures view things. Here in the US, pilgrim conjours images of funny looking hats.

Don't worry, I'm not imagining you wearing one of these. : )

by Blogger Jeri, at Mon May 22, 05:05:00 PM

Hahaha, nice one!

Have you tried the code you sent me yet? I haven't been able to make it work. And from the comments left, a few other people haven't been able to get it to work either. It doesn't show up on my page at all.

by Blogger Pilgrimage to Self, at Tue May 23, 04:52:00 AM

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by Blogger Unknown, at Mon Sep 03, 09:57:00 PM

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